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Found 2542 results for any of the keywords iboss ems. Time 0.014 seconds.
NAAC Software and NBA Supporting Software -iBoss EMSiBoss EMS supports for NAAC and NBA with audit reports. The modules are designed to cover NAAC criterions. iBoss Education Management System helps to automate process from admission to Alumni of University, College and s
iBoss EMS User and User Role ManagementiBoss EMS is configured with predefined users with distinguished permission. Student, Faculty, HOD, Super Administrator and so on. Dynamic user role can be configured
Core and Base Modules of iBoss EMSiBoss EMS Core modules designed to cover core operations of Colleges. Admission and Fee management, course, Batch, Student, subject and Exam Management
iBoss Education Management System | College Management SoftwareiBoss Education Management System helps to automate process from admission to Alumni of University, College and school.iBoss EMS supports for NAAC with audit reports
Modules from Admission to AlumniiBoss EMS modules cover all academic process from student admission to alumni. Plug and play modules for autonomous and affiliated colleges. EMS Modules can be dynamically configured
Case Study of iBoss Education Management- St.Annes Degree College forCase study gives wide knowledge of the institution and process during implementation. The challenges and outcomes are well analyzed and documented. Iboss EMS is highly customized for Affiliated college structure under Ba
iBoss Education Management System – Client listValuable clients of iBoss Education Management system. Iboss EMS client list include all kind of Higher Education Institution including Arts college and Engineering college.
iBoss Mobile application for student and facultyiBoss EMS offers mobile application for Attendance
Add On modules easy to plug and playiBoss EMS Add on modules are easy to plug and play as per need of the Educational Institution. These modules helps to enhance academic and administration operation of Institution.
Outcome Based Education Software for Universities, colleges and schooliBoss EMS Academic modules helps to capture academic activities of students. Daily attendance, Internal Class Assessment, Time table, Academic calendar, Outcome based Education -OBE and Assignment manipulation are manage
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